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Addressing Global Nutrition Deficits: DSM Firmenich’s Pioneering Work in Animal Health and Nutrition.


The global problem of malnutrition necessitates swift and focused intervention. Characterized by either a deficiency or an excess of energy or nutrients, malnutrition affects billions of people worldwide, manifesting in various forms such as undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, and obesity.

DSM Firmenich is at the forefront of combating malnutrition, harnessing their expertise in animal health and nutrition to drive innovation and develop sustainable solutions. Recognizing the critical role of animal protein in addressing protein-energy malnutrition, these companies are committed to improving the efficiency and sustainability of animal farming.

Through their farm-to-fork approach, DSM Firmenich is not only ensuring the production of high-quality animal protein that is safe and affordable but also minimizing the environmental impact of livestock farming. This fusion of nutritional science and sustainable practices underscores their commitment to addressing global nutrition deficits while fulfilling the demand for animal protein in a responsible and sustainable manner.

DSM Firmenich: Pioneers in Nutrition, Health, and Beauty

DSM Firmenich’s shared mission of “bringing progress to life” is manifested in their commitment to addressing some of the most pressing global challenges. This mission has driven them to innovate and co-create in the fields of nutrition, health, and beauty, and specifically, to their pioneering work in addressing global nutritional deficits. Their unique approach encompasses a blend of scientific expertise and ingenuity, as well as a strong commitment to sustainability. They confront the complexity of malnutrition by harnessing the power of animal protein and working towards making farming more efficient and environmentally friendly. This not only provides a solution to the protein-energy malnutrition problem but also tackles the environmental issue of livestock farming. At the core of their approach is the sustainability of the planet while fulfilling the growing demand for animal protein, thus truly exemplifying their mission of bringing progress to life.

Redefining Sustainable Protein Production

DSM Firmenich has been instrumental in redefining sustainable protein production through a number of innovative initiatives. One of their landmark projects involves the development of eco-efficient animal feeds that not only bolster livestock health and productivity but also significantly reduce methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas. They’ve also pioneered the use of digital solutions like precision farming systems, enabling farmers to monitor animal health more closely and optimize feed utilization, thereby reducing waste and further diminishing environmental impact.

Efforts to enhance animal welfare are also central to their mission. DSM Firmenich have championed the introduction of new standards in livestock farming, advocating for humane treatment and the provision of better living conditions for farmed animals. They’ve instituted training programs for farmers, equipping them with essential knowledge to improve animal welfare and drive productivity through humane practices.

These strategic initiatives not only support a more sustainable and efficient animal farming industry but also align with the companies’ objective to balance the demand for animal protein with environmental stewardship and animal welfare. By doing so, DSM Firmenich is helping shape a future where nutrition and sustainability coexist harmoniously.

The Environmental Cost of Animal Farming

Livestock farming, while a vital source of nutrition worldwide, comes with significant environmental costs. It contributes approximately 15% to global greenhouse gas emissions, mainly methane, which is significantly more potent than carbon dioxide. Furthermore, it significantly contributes to the deterioration of land and water resources, alongside leading to a decline in biodiversity.

Recognizing the gravity of these situations, DSM Firmenich has embarked on targeted initiatives to alleviate their consequences. They’re investing in the development of eco-efficient animal feeds that, in addition to improving animal health, significantly cut down on methane emissions. Leveraging technology, they’ve pioneered precision farming systems, allowing farmers to closely monitor animal health and optimize feed use, resulting in waste reduction and a smaller environmental footprint.

Moreover, DSM Firmenich is an advocate for humane farming practices, understanding that animal welfare and environmental sustainability are intrinsically linked. By providing training to farmers, they’re ensuring better living conditions for animals and promoting practices that are not only productive but also environmentally responsible.

Through these strategic measures, DSM Firmenich is working towards a more sustainable animal farming industry. It’s a future where the demand for animal protein does not compromise the health of our planet—a testament to their commitment to bringing progress to life.

A New Approach to Animal Nutrition & Health.

DSM Firmenich’s pursuit of innovation in animal health and nutrition begins right at the farm, with a primary focus on creating nutritious and eco-efficient animal feeds. These feeds, carefully formulated, not only enhance the health and productivity of livestock but also reduce methane emissions, striking a balance between animal health and environmental sustainability.

From the farm, the focus shifts to the fork, where the companies ensure that the animal protein reaching consumers is of the highest quality. Innovations in food safety and quality control measures, coupled with a commitment to transparency and traceability, ensure that the protein produced is safe, nutritious, and sustainably sourced.

The companies’ holistic approach to animal health and nutrition, encompassing every step from the farm to the fork, showcases their dedication to tackling global nutritional deficiencies, promoting animal welfare, and championing environmental sustainability. Their innovative work in this field is a testament to their mission of “bringing progress to life.”

The Impact on Human Health and Nutrition

Improved animal nutrition and health have direct implications for human health and nutrition. First, the enhancement of animal feed and health increases the nutritional value of the animal protein consumed by humans. A healthier animal yields better-quality meat, milk, or eggs, which are richer in essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins, and minerals. It directly contributes to addressing the global nutritional deficit by providing nutrient-dense food. Second, the reduction of methane emissions and a smaller environmental footprint mean a healthier and more sustainable planet for humans.

DSM & Firmenich’s dedication to improving animals’ living conditions and promoting humane treatment significantly lowers the likelihood of zoonotic diseases, which can transfer from animals to people. In an era where such diseases have caused a global pandemic, this aspect of their work cannot be overstated. Through these multifaceted strategies, DSM Firmenich is creating a ripple effect that benefits not just the animals but, ultimately, human health and nutrition.

Future Outlook: DSM Firmenich’s Ongoing Commitment

Looking ahead, DSM Firmenich remains steadfast in its commitment to sustainable, nutritious, and affordable protein production. They intend to continue their investment in R&D, driving innovation in eco-efficient animal feed, precision farming systems, and food safety measures. Their future plans also include expanding their training programs to reach more farmers worldwide, empowering them to implement humane and environmentally friendly farming practices. Recognizing that collaboration is crucial in addressing the global nutritional deficit and environmental challenges, the companies also plan to strengthen their partnerships with various stakeholders, including farmers, consumers, NGOs, and government bodies. By doing so, DSM Firmenich aims to significantly contribute towards the realization of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, particularly in the areas of Zero Hunger and Responsible Consumption and Production. Their ongoing commitment underlines their vision of a future where nutritious food is accessible to all and animal farming leaves a minimal environmental footprint.


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